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Finish your storynovelfanficscriptplay

It's the best writing app in the world. Automatically adjust your outline, change pacing, introduce new characters and tweak narrative sub-threads. Start sculpting instead of chiseling.


Write, update, take notes automatically.

You write, we'll take care of the rest. Minstrel takes notes on what's next, who's where, where's what, and what's changed. No more scribbles.

Analytics? Weird, we know.

"Why would I ever want analytics, are you people crazy?" Well, yes, we are. Try it, you'll like it. Track character appearances, chapter lengths, unresolved plot threads, and more.

No proprietary anything.

Minstrel uses the standard Markdown format, so you can take your work anywhere. No lock-in. Your files are yours.

It's free.

Minstrel is free for personal use. No login, no sign-up, no hassle.
Oh, and it's open source too. Why are you still here?


Finish your story.